41. Carroll County Department of Economic Development
This dual objective creates jobs, increases wealth in the county, and offsets the cost of government services which would otherwise be borne by county residents. Area Served Serves ...
42. Carroll County Orphans' Court
act on all differences or disputes in estates. Court sessions: 9 am to 3 pm, Monday and Tuesday each week. Area Served Serves Carroll County. Subjects Death And Dying, Government
43. Carroll County State's Attorney
Any community organization or government agency may request speakers on criminal topics. Ages Served Serves all ages. Subjects Child Abuse, Child Support, Drug Abuse, Government, ...
44. Taneytown Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, Inc.
the county government provides the companies with some monies each year, members have an annual solicitation drive to cover expenses such as vehicles, equipment, and training. ...
45. Carroll County Register of Wills
The Register of Wills is elected by the people for a four-year term. Area Served Serves Carroll County. Subjects Death And Dying, Government, Wills Last Updated 5 January 2016
46. Camelot West Family Services
Camelot West is also a good starting point for information on obtaining assistance in the community for families who are looking for support groups, government non-profits and ...
47. Carroll County Board of Commissioners
board annually at the December meeting. The toll-free information number is 888-302-8978, and the TTY/TDD number is 711 or 800-735-2258. Subjects Government Last Updated 22 August
48. Carroll County Department of Public Safety
the Center operates the County's 800 MHz trunked radio system in support of the many non-emergency government agencies (municipal, county, and state) that utilize the radio system. ...
49. Carroll Technology Council
By partnering with local schools, colleges, and government, CTC helps to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem that trains, hires and retains our local tech talent. Additionally, CTC ...
50. Carroll County Board of Education (School Board)
may do so through the CCPS website at https://www.carrollk12.org/board-of-education. Then click on the Contact Us tab. Subjects Education, Government Last Updated 28 December 2023