151. North Carroll Abuser Intervention Program
- voice 410-552-9881- fax Purpose To offer a comprehensive curriculum designed to promote and preserve safety from abuse for spouses and children that are put at risk by batterers. ...
152. The Counseling Renaissance
Our licensed therapists work with children, teens, couples, and adults using a variety of modalities to relieve troublesome symptoms and facilitate healthy habits and lasting ...
153. Congruent Counseling Services
a wide range of mental health and substance abuse concerns. Fees We accept most major insurances. Ages Served Children, Teens, and Adults Subjects Drug Abuse - Treatment, Family
154. Therafit Rehab
Service TheraFit RehabĀ® is dedicated to providing specialized, activity-based rehabilitation & fitness programs to children, adults, and seniors with disabilities. We strive to ...
155. BPOE Elks Lodge #2277
Service Involved in a number of local service activities, including Carroll County Food Sunday, Carroll Area Transit System, Camp Barrett for underprivileged children, and a ...
156. Family Law Hotline
Service This 501(c)3 nonprofit organization of lawyers, judges, social services and health care providers focuses on the legal rights of women and children. It is an income ...
157. Maryland State Archives
Children are admitted as long as quiet is maintained. For safety of the materials, food and all liquids are prohibited for adults and children; pencil only must be used. Please ...
158. Ascension Episcopal Church (Westminster)
Service Weekly worship service: Sunday services at 8:00am and 10:15am. Nursery is available during the 10:15 service. Education for children and adults is at 9:00 am on Sundays, ...
159. American Legion Hampstead Post 200
and their families, including many programs on veterans affairs and rehabilitation, children and youth, community service, national security and memorial services for veterans. ...
160. Brethren Service Center
Brethren Disaster Ministries, 410-635-8731, works in three areas: disaster response, disaster children's services, and international material distribution. SERRV Store, ...