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American Legion Hampstead Post 200 Facebook Email
American Legion

4600 Legion Lane
Hampstead, MD 21074-2642

4600 Legion Lane
Hampstead, MD 21074-2642

443-508-2119 - voice

Events Calendar Address -

Contact 1Jack Bowersox
Commander of Post 200
410-239-8082 - voice
Contact 2Josie Bowersox
President of Auxiliary Unit 200
PurposeTo provide service to veterans and their families, including many programs on veterans affairs and rehabilitation, children and youth, community service, national security and memorial services for veterans.
ServiceServes on post, county, district, state and national levels. A hall and pavilion are available for rental by the public. See webpage for information. Monthly meetings are held at the Post Home on the first Monday of each month except in September when it is the second Monday of the month. Communication should be sent to the Legion email or my regular mail.
EligibilityOpen to veterans who have served at least one day of active duty since December 7, 1941.
Fees$35.00 Legion Members; $30.00 Auxiliary Members; $25.00 Sons of the American Legion Members
SubjectsClubs And Organizations - Civic/Social/Service, Meeting Rooms/Receptions, Rehabilitation, Veterans
Last Updated12 December 2023