41. Carroll County Pomona Grange
Area Served Serves Carroll and surrounding counties. Subjects Agriculture, Clubs And Organizations - Civic/Social/Service, Conservation, Lobbyists, Speakers' Bureau, Youth ...
42. Choices of Carroll County
Students see the consequences of drug and alcohol choices, and hear how similar choices have impacted guest speakers who have witnessed alcohol and drug abuse. Site tours, ...
43. Springboard Community Services
Subjects Anger Management, Crisis Intervention Centers, Family Counseling, Hotlines, Marriage Counseling, Personal Counseling, Speakers' Bureau, Volunteers - Needed Last Updated 18 ...
44. Families Of Children on the Autism Spectrum - FOCAS
Child care is provided at no cost by trained adults on a limited, pre-arranged basis; please call for details. Meetings are relaxed, informal and fun, and may feature a speaker, a ...
45. CARE Healing Center (Formerly Rape Crisis Intervention Service...
Subjects Child Abuse, Crisis Intervention Centers, Hotlines, Incest, Legal Services, Personal Counseling, Rape, Sexual Abuse, Speakers' Bureau, Support Groups, Volunteers - Needed ...
46. Carroll County Republican Women's Club
We meet every month except January and August. Dinner begins at 6 pm and our meeting and speakers begin at 7 pm. We do not meet if CCPS are closed for inclement weather. Area ...
47. University of Maryland Extension, Carroll County
Resources, Nutrient Management, Food and Nutrition, Health and Wellness, 4-H Youth Development, Home Gardening and Finances. Subjects Agriculture, Speakers' Bureau Last Updated 18
48. University of Maryland Extension Carroll County, Family and Consumer...
and businesses. Eligibility Programs are open to all. Subjects Adult Education, Day Care - Training, Financial Counseling, Nutrition, Speakers' Bureau Last Updated 16 April 2019
49. National Aquarium
Fees Visit the Internet site for current admission fees, discounts and special programs. Ages Served Serves all ages. Subjects Aquariums, Education, Speakers' Bureau, Volunteers - ...
50. Union Bridge Area Heritage Committee
Contact Jim Rowe for meeting information. Eligibility Any person interested in Union Bridge is welcome. Fees Annual fees: individual/$10; family/$15. Subjects History, Speakers' ...