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National Aquarium Facebook Twitter Email
501 E. Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21202-3103

410-576-3800 - voice

Events Calendar Address -

Office HoursOpen 7 days a week with seasonal hours; call for information or visit website
Contact 1John Racanelli
President and CEO
PurposeNational Aquarium is a nonprofit whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world’s aquatic treasures.
ServiceVisit National Aquarium, located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, and explore the wonders of the ocean! Immerse yourself in the Aquarium’s Tropical Rainforest, discover the wonders of the Chesapeake Bay and find yourself face to fin with sharks, jellies, dolphins and more! The Aquarium offers field trips for schools, traveling outreach and teacher workshops.
FeesVisit the Internet site for current admission fees, discounts and special programs.
Ages ServedServes all ages.
SubjectsAquariums, Education, Speakers' Bureau, Volunteers - Needed
Last Updated14 July 2016