171. GFWC Woman's Club of Westminster, Inc.
Service GFWC has built an outstanding record of accomplishments including: promoting education and libraries; preserving natural resources; encouraging healthy lifestyles; working ...
172. Ducks Unlimited, Carroll County Chapter
More than 3,600 nationwide chapters provide public information and education on conservation issues. Each of these chapters helps generate community participation in DU banquets ...
173. Baltimore Intergroup Council of Alcoholics Anonymous
7. Provide "drying-out" or nursing services 8. Offer religious services 9. Engage in education or propaganda about alcohol 10. Provide domestic or vocational counseling 11. Provide ...
174. Carroll Citizens for Racial Equality
Speakers and resource persons are provided for community groups and agencies, information and referral is available, and public education is ongoing through conferences and other ...
175. Carroll County Public Library, Outreach Services
Priority service is given to organizations serving children or senior citizens, and groups engaged in education. Due to the high number of requests, programs per group are limited. ...
176. Forest Service, Carroll County Office
forest fire control, city street tree management/planting/care, and forest resources education. Provides secretarial and technical support to the Carroll County Forest Conservancy ...
177. Adults 60+ at Carroll
fees only. Eligibility Serves Maryland residents age 60 and older. Fees Fees vary according to program. Subjects Adult Education, Senior Citizens - Recreation Last Updated 18 July
178. Road Scholar
Fees Fees vary with the program; see current catalogs. Area Served Serves the United States and 92 countries overseas. Subjects Adult Education, Senior Citizens - Recreation, ...
179. Veteran Services Program of Carroll County
The program focuses on enhancing the veteran's quality of life and improving outcomes through advocacy, claims assistance, education, counseling and facilitating access to other ...
180. St. Stephen's Classical Christian Academy
SSCCA holds membership with the ACCS-Association of Classical and Christian Schools. Service SSCCA offers classical education in a Christian setting to JK-8th grade. Fees Vary Ages ...