41. NAMI of Carroll County
Contact 1 Jacqueline Spielman Member 410-857-3650 - voice ccmeinecke10@gmail.com Purpose Provides support, education, advocacy, and empathy to community members living with someone ...
42. Mountain Manor Treatment Center, Westminster Adult Outpatient
Service Services include: evaluation and assessment, group counseling, family education/counseling, relapse prevention, court referrals, addiction education, and drug testing, ...
43. Integrative Counseling Services
To provide provide education and treatment for substance use and addictions. Service This Maryland state certified facility offers DWI/DUI education, outpatient addictions ...
44. Harbor City Music Company
Purpose A local group of women singers committed to advancing music and harmony through education and performance by singing four-part harmony, a cappella music. Service Harbor ...
45. Carroll County Dental Society
Lyndsay C. Kuzmak President 410-848-5656 - voice carrollcountydentalsociety@gmail.com Purpose To provide continuing education and information to area dentists Service Meetings ...
46. Carroll County Outdoor School
Contact 1 Gina Felter Principal 410-751-3301 - voice gcfelte@carrollk12.org Purpose To provide education about current environmental issues and to Carroll County students. Service ...
47. Christian Preschool and Kindergarten Program
Service Curriculum includes language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, art, music, physical education, and formal Christian education. Facilities are air-conditioned and ...
48. Guidewell Financial Solutions
families, and communities through financial literacy education and counseling. ... (First-Time homebuyer) education training (and when appropriate, one-on-one counseling). ...
49. Families Of Children on the Autism Spectrum - FOCAS
Contact 1 Sharon Glass Founder 410-857-1596 - voice Purpose To provide support, resources, and education to families of children with autism, as well as those who provide services ...
50. Grace Bible Christian Preschool and Kindergarten
State Department of Education. Curricular areas include English language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, music, art, physical education, and formal Christian education. ...