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Directory of Community Services
A service of Carroll County Public Library

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Create mailing labels

Select from the following to create an Excel spreadsheet of addresses you can import into Word to create Mailing labels. You may select All Organizations for a file of every active organization in the database, or you may select multiple categories to build your own list.

This will save a file to your desktop named mlabels.asp. Change the file's .asp extension to .xls and your file will open in Excel.

 All Organizations
 Arts and Entertainment
 Bed and Breakfast
 Carroll Hospital Center
 Children/Youth Organizations and Clubs
 County Government (non-elected)
 Current Government Officials
 Day Care
 Document Delivery, Fax, Typing, Misc. Packaging, Notaries, Computers, Passports
 Education, Nursery, Preschool
 Emergency Services and Safety
 Employment and Unemployment Services
 Fruits and Vegetables, Flowers, Trees
 Human Services (Private Groups and Charities)
 Information and Referral
 Interpersonal Violence — Court and Legal
 Interpersonal Violence — Police and Law Enforcement
 Interpersonal Violence Directory
 Juvenile Services (Troubled Youth)
 Libraries, Historical Societies
 Medical - Health Related, Diet
 Parenting, Family Support Groups
 Personal Family Counseling
 Political, Human Rights, Legal Activists, Citizen Groups, Merchant Associations
 Pregnancy, Abortion
 Religious Organizations
 SAMH - Certified Treatment
 SAMH - Community Based Self Help
 SAMH - Law Enforcement
 SAMH - Mental Health Treatment
 SAMH - Prevention
 SAMH - Recovery Support
 SAMH - Substance Abuse Treatment
 SAMH - Tobacco
 Senior Citizens, Senior Residential Site
 Spanish Directory
 Veteran Services