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Carroll County Artists Guild

410-833-3686 - voice

Contact 1Felisa Flecker
Contact 2Jim Spies
PurposeA non-profit arts organization for adults, the Carroll County Artists' Guild supports members efforts in creating, education, and social events.
ServicePrograms of interest to artists, such as workshops and demonstrations, trips to museums and studios, and social events, are scheduled by and for members. The group sponsors annual exhibitions of members' artworks. We have two yearly exhibits: at Carroll County Arts Council and at Carroll Community College. Frequent exhibits are also staged in many local area restaurants, other business places, public offices, Art in the Park, and Carroll County Farmer's Markets. Meetings are 7 pm the first Monday of each month at the NonProfit Building, 255 Clifton Boulevard, in Westminster. Meetings consist of an educational/informative presentation which is open to the public. Group members also sponsor two to three social meetings per year also open to guests: locations will be announced.
EligibilityBe an adult who creates and supports the arts.
Fees Annual membership fee of $35.00
Area ServedServes Carroll County and surrounding area.
SubjectsArt And Artists, Clubs And Organizations - Civic/Social/Service, Professional Organizations
Last Updated19 May 2022