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Directory of Community Services
A service of Carroll County Public Library

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Carroll County Human Relations Commission
Maryland Commission on Human Relations

255 Clifton Blvd
Suite 313
Westminster, MD 21157

c/o Carroll County Community Foundation
255 Clifton Blvd
Suite 313
Westminster, MD 21157

410-795-8521 - voice
410-795-4637 - fax

Contact 1Virginia Harrison
410-795-8521 or 410-857-2999 - voice
PurposeTo promote harmony and understanding among the citizens of Carroll County, and to ensure that all individuals are free to exercise and enjoy all civic, economic, political, housing, recreational, and other human rights.
ServiceActs as an independent body in resolving problems that may result from misunderstanding, miscommunication, and unequal treatment. Through education, mediation, and compromise, when appropriate, the commission seeks to resolve these problems in a fair and equitable manner. The CCHRC serves in an advisory capacity only. It has no legal powers. If the commission cannot help the parties involved reach a fair settlement, the person(s) with the complaint may be referred to the Maryland Commission on Human Relations, which does have legal enforcement powers. Persons who feel that they have been discriminated against should report this to the CCHRC. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Foundation office.
FeesNo fees are charged.
Area ServedServes Carroll County.
SubjectsCivil Rights, Human Relations, Mediation, Volunteers - Needed
Last Updated16 July 2018