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Lineboro/Manchester Lions Club Swimming Pool Email
3347 Victory Street
Manchester, MD 21102-1148

PO Box 27
Manchester, MD 21102-0027

410-374-2570 - voice

Contact 1Roger Stultz
Pool Chairman
Contact 2Guy Garey
443-929-1558 - voice
PurposeTo provide a pool for all citizens of the Hampstead and Manchester election districts and their guests.
ServiceLocated adjacent to the Manchester Carnival Grounds and the Lions' athletic fields off York Street in Manchester, the pool opens Memorial Day weekend and closes on Labor Day. Normal pool hours are noon to 7 pm every day, including Sundays and holidays. Pool is only open on weekends from Memorial Day until Carroll County Public Schools close for the summer. Swimming lessons are given at the pool. The pool is owned and operated by the Lineboro/Manchester Lions Club.
SubjectsSwimming Instruction, Swimming Pools/Facilities - Public
Last Updated29 August 2023